
I'm Tri Ramdhani

Frontend Developer

A person who loves to code, anime, and books. Welcome to my personal website, where you can find my portfolio. And Know me More.

1 Years
About me

I'm 21 years old, I started interested in the web when I was in the 3rd year of high school. at that time I learned to code using Android. After graduating from High Schooll I worked at a snack and food factory in my city. Thanks to this job I was able to buy a laptop and start seriously learning web programming.

I have interest in Front-End Development and enjoy working on the web. The front end is like a rich forest and we can choose and combine many tech/libraries to build engaging and user-friendly websites and applications.

I like watching anime because anime always presents lots of amazing characters and stories. from bad to good, from stupid to smart, from poor to rich, from Zero to Hero . As a person I want to have my own story about my personal development. I don't want to be undeveloped person or stuck in the status quo. I always try to improve myself, and become a better person.


Open for part-time or fulltime work

Web3 Front end Development
Web Development
Full-Stack Development
Tech I Used
React JSReact JS
Next JSNext JS
Node JSNode JS
My portfolio

Some of my distinguished works